what could be a bigger downer than “failure”

I had started this blog with just my name, but it is not about me as a person, my writing here is meant to be me as a thinking, observing participant in our world. Collective failure was going to be my first entry, which seemed like a terribly depressing notion. I’d pondered, “will I simply…

Gatekeepers and Quality control

In the hyper capitalist and Warhol inspired fast food celebrity we have struggled to frame what is good and what is good for the market. Every artist has faced questions about fighting for what they want to do and finding some way to appeal to more. The more can be broad and is not linked…

Don’t Let Statler and Waldorf Frame Your Writing

By Amélie Baker I imagine the two old men in the balcony – Statler and Waldorf – from the Muppets would have no patience for a writing workshop. They… Don’t Let Statler and Waldorf Frame Your Writing

the sting

Having a blog that people do not read is not ideal, and it can sting to realize that even most of my loved ones don’t read it. But it has been so many years, I mostly have reconciled with those feelings and my need to still write here. And why not just keep all these…

Let Santa be Santa 

Santa is a vehicle to transmit the idea that larger forces agree on what it means to be good.

For my 40th Birthday I cracked a coconut

It is not a metaphor. I found a coconut on the ground, where tons more lay because I am in Florida, and watched youtube videos and took a chisel and hammered away at it. People so often think of birthdays or celebration is getting something – and so I could have bought coconut water, dried…

What good are crystals during a war?

The insidious danger of teaching people that they can wear, burn, meditate or pray away what is harming them is the onus on personal responsibility.

Skipping to 40

A little riddle for my upcoming 40th Birthday I found what I truly wanted, it is one of a kind. But a little similar to something I already really like. I had to drive a ways and it cost $300 and might cost me more. It is not everyone’s cup of tea but it goes…

Under-resourced identities

My one rule is do NOT be boring. I am writing this as a guide because I know that many of you have not had the exposure or resources you might need to fully understand this rule. You are very under-resourced, unprivileged and deprived of what it takes to achieve this one goal. For example…

Think of memoir’s first chapter as a suitcase

Originally posted on Monica Lee:
One way to judge a good memoir is by its first chapter. At a memoir writing workshop I attended before writing “The Percussionist’s Wife,” author Paulette Bates Alden (“Crossing the Moon”) maintained the first chapter was a reflection of all that was to follow. “The first chapter is like a…

Occupy Wall street aka when the middle class was snapped

The snap of Thanos has become a pop culture analogy for sudden and drastic change. Occupy Wall street was a moment when those who held supposed middle-class positions – lawyers, professors, middle-managers – discovered their exploitation. A fizzure occurred within their self-image that had been built on a “white supremacist capitalist patriarchal values” as bell hooks so clearly…